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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for stopping nuclear research in other countries.

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Q: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for stopping nuclear research in other countries?
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Is the nuclear regulatory commission responsible for stopping nuclear research in other countries?

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for stopping nuclear research in other countries.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for stopping nuclear research in other countries true or false?


Is The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is responsible for stopping nuclear research in other countries?

No! The US NRC is solely responsible for regulating, licensing, and safety of US commercially operated nuclear power plants.The original Atomic Energy Commission was split into the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because of conflicts of interest between military and civilian users. DOE is responsible for military uses, NRC is responsible for civilian uses.

What does the acronym CERC stand for?

In the United States, the acronym CERC is most commonly used to represent the Columbia Environmental Research Center. However, its most common use is India's Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.

What is the NRC?

This has several meanings. Do you mean the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which controls the production of nuclear matter. Do You mean the National Response Center that oversees chemical spills? Do you mean the National Research Corporation regarding health care?

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The acronym CIRC mainly stands for The China Insurance Regulatory Commission. However, it is also abbreviated for Civitan International Research Center, Community Information Resource Center, and Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition.

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The National Institutes of Heath (NIH) is the federal agency responsible for promoting medical research. 80% of their funding is distributed in the form of research grants.