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Q: The Office of Management and Budget monitors how much money each agency or department is spending?
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Related questions

What is the job of the office of management?

It prepares the federal budget and monitors spending.

What is the role of the office of management and Budget?

It prepares the federal budget and monitors spending.

What is the budget of Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management?

The budget of Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management is 59,600,000 dollars.

What is the abbreviation of department of budget and management?

OMB (Office of Management and Budget)

Government annual spending and the management of that money is called what?


What agency in Washington assists in the preparation of the federal budget and monitors federal agencies throughout the year?

office of management and budget

What is the meaning of DBM?

Department of Budget and Management. Answered By: Markvincent

What are the steps in the federal budget process in the correct order from start to finish?

First step -The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepares a preliminary budget proposal for the president. -The president finalizes the budget proposal and submits it to Congress. -Congress decides on the overall level of spending and taxation and passes specific spending bills. -The president signs the spending bills into law. Final Step -Apex Learning Answer P.S. You're welcome

What is the budget and accounting act of 1921?

The Budget and AccountingAct was passed in 1921, creating the Bureau of the Budget, and housed it within the Department of Treasury.

What is the role of management control in work?

A Control Account is a management control point that defines the work, schedule and budget and monitors timely accomplishment of the work.

Who authorizes the spending after the office of management and budget?

After the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the spending must be authorized by Congress through the budget appropriation process. Congress reviews and approves funding levels for various government programs and agencies through the passage of appropriations bills.

Which is the largest department within the EOP?

The Office of Management and Budget is the largest department within the EOP.