

The PH scale is a measurement of what?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is a measure of H+ concentration. The more Hydrogen ions the lower the pH.

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Acids, bases and neutrals

The negative base-ten logarithm of the hydronium ion (H3O+) concentration or -log10[H3O+]

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Q: The PH scale is a measurement of what?
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Ph scale in a sentence?

Here is a sentence: The pH scale is the measurement of how basic an object is or how acidic an object is.

The pH scale is a measurement system that indicates the concentration of these in a solution?

The pH scale is a measurement system that indicates the concentration of Hydrogen ions also called Protons.

What does PH scale describes?

The PH scale is the measurement of acids and bases. 8 and up are bases. 6 and lower are acids. 7 is neutral.

What does a pH scale look like?

Chemists devised a measurement system called the pH scale to indicate the concentration of hypotonic ions in solution. Therefore the higher the pH scale gets the more persistant it is.

What type of ions does the pH scale measure?

The measurement is for cations and anions.

Measurement system used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution?

pH scale is used to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. It is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, with lower pH values indicating higher acidity and higher pH values indicating higher alkalinity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.

What substance on the pH scale is neutral and how do you know?

A substance with a pH of 7 is considered neutral on the pH scale. This means that it is neither acidic nor basic. A neutral pH indicates a balanced concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in the substance.

What are some common logarithmic scales?

The Decibal scale for sound measurement is an example of a logarithmic scale. The Richter scale, the pH scale, the magnitude scale for stars, the multiplicative scales on a slide rule

What two term determines the pH scale?

the pH scale is a measurement of acidity of liquids. it ranges from a rating on 1 to 14. when it is at 1, it is very acidic and at 14 it is a strong alkali but at 7, its neutral like water. the pH scale also shows acidity by colour- at 1 it is a strong red, at 7 it is a green and at 14, it is a purple. ;)

What scale is used to determine pH?

the pH scale

What number is highest on the pH scale?

The highest number on the pH scale is 14. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14.

What are 5 measurement tools you use in science?

Ruler, weighing scale, hydrometer, hygrometer, thermometer, pH meter, accelerometer. These are a few.