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The Puget and Juan De Fuca were the two major lobes of the corderillan ice sheet in western Washington during the most recent ice age.

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Q: The Puget and Polson lobes were the three major lobes of a continental glacier that formed the Washington region?
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After the last ice age stranded ice blocks left behind by the continental glacier melted and formed what?

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When did the first continental congress get established?

it was established in 1775 The second continental congress formed the continental army and made George Washington a general.

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The continental army was formed by the Continental Congress. The appointed George Washington to be overall commander of the forces about to battle the British.

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The commander of the continental army was General George Washington. The continental army was formed in the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, followed shortly after by independence from Great Britain.

Was the great salt lake formed by a glacier?

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How was yosemite formed?

By a glacier

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A tarn (or corrie loch) is a mountain lake or pool, formed in a cirque excavated by a glacier.

What type of erosion formed the yosemite valley?

glacier erosion

How can you use 'US Continental Army' in a sentence?

"There was no organization called the US Continental Army because the United States hadn't been formed when the Continental Army was assembled." Optionally: "George Washington was a General in the Continental Army."