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Q: The Treasury Department is responsible for printing money. The Treasury Department is part of which branch of government?
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Who prints money out of executive legislative judicial?

The US Department of Treasury is responsible for printing money. The Department of Treasury is in the Executive branch of the US government.

What department or bureau engraves and prints for the United States government?

The United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing which is part of the Department of the Treasury does the engraving and printing for the US government.

What institution of the government is responsible in minting and printing its currency?

The Treasusry department is responsible for minting and printing the US currency.

Who authorizes the printing of money?

The Department of the Treasury.

Is printing the US currency the responsibility of the Department of the Interior?

No it is the Department of Treasury

What cabinet officer responsible for coinage of money?

The Department of the Treasury manages our nation's finances, is responsible for coinage and printing of money, enforces money laws, and runs the Secret Service.

Which Deparment operates the Bureau of Engraving and Printing?

Treasury The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the U.S. Treasury Department where all American currency, stamps, and military certificates are printed and sent out.

Is printing money a responsibility of the local governments?

no. it is the responsibility of the Treasury Department

What denominations of currency notes is Treasury Department no longer printing?


The printing of money in the US is the responsibilty of?

is the United States Department of the Treasury

Who is in charge of printing money?

Congress does. the constitution grants the power for it to do so.

Where was your 20 bill minted?

The Treasury Department in Washington D.C. oversees the production of coins and currency in the USA. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is responsible for the actual production of US currency.