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Q: The US government began to regulate immigration in what year?
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Congress first began to regulate immigration in what year?

in 1790 with the 14th amendment

What year did the immigration start?

People are usually unhappy with their country--the environment, the government, the economy...etc. Some countries have strict laws, like Communist countries, and people don't like that so they escape to other countries illegally thinking they'll be okay..

What year did the new government begin to legally function?

The New Government Began To Function When George Washington Was Inaugurated In The Spring of 1789

What year was Immigration to the US?

To this day there has always been immigration to the US

When does fiscal year 2010 start?

In the Federal government it began on October 1, 2009. In most other areas it began on July 1, 2009.

What was the biggest year for the United States when it comes to Immigration?

The biggest year for the United States when it comes to immigration is 2010 and 2013.

When did the major immigration through Ellis island occur?

The peak year of immigration was 1934.

What does the prophets immigration have to do with the Islamic calendar?

because his immigration led to the new year of the islamic calendar

What year did America stop immigration?


What year was the immigration level the highest?


What are the australian immigration rates?

The immigration rate in Australia is around 210,000 at the end of 2010. The immigration seem to of had a decrease since the previous year was about 340,000. The decline in immigration rates creates a shortage of workers.

What did the US do to european immigration after 1910?

The US throw the European immigration after the year 1910. There were to many immigrants in the US.