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When a stimulus stimulates a neuron above the threshold, the action potential is generated.

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Q: The action potential is generated when a stimulus?
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simple automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus

What potential does amplitude independent of stimulus strength describes?

action potential

What is the absolute refractory period?

Absolute Refractory Period:It is the interval during which a second action potential absolutely cannot be initiated, no matter how large a stimulus is applied.ORAfter repolarization there is a period during which a second action potential cannot be initiated, no matter how large a stimulus current is applied to the neuron. This is called the absolute refractory period, and it is followed by a relative refractory period, during which another action potential can be generated

How did the action potential generated with the unheated rod compare to the generated with the heated rod?

Heat information is conducted through neurones. Higher frequency action potentials are perceived in the brain as a hotter stimulus. So the heated rod would have sent higher-frequency action potentials than the cool rod would have.

How did increasing the stimulus voltage in the simulation affect the action potential?

Increasing the stimulus voltage in the simulation affect action potential mainly because increasing the current will automatically increase the voltage.

Absolute refractory period relative refractory period?

In absolute refractory period, none of channels are reconfigured, so that second active potential cannot be generated no matter how large the stimulus current is applied to the neuron. In contrast, in relative refractory period, some but not all of channels are reconfigured, another action potential can be generated but only by a greater stimulus current thatn that originally needed.

Where in a neuron can an action potential be generated?

axon hillock

What is the difference between a compound action potential and a single action potential?

Single action potentials follow the "all or none" rule. That is, if a stimulus is strong enough to depolarize the membrane of the neuron to threshold (~55mV), then an action potential will be fired. Each stimulus that reaches threshold will produce an action potential that is equal in magnitude to every other action potential for the neuron. Compound action potentials do not exhibit this property since they are a bundle of neurons and have different magnitudes of AP's. Thus compound action potentials are graded. That is, the greater the stimulus, the greater the action potential.

Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase?

Yes. ....Up to a point. There is a threshold the stimulus must surpass before creating a CAP (compound action potential). Anything below this threshold is called subthreshold. Once the stimulus is strong enough cause a CAP it is a stimulus threshold. At this point the CAP will continue to increase as the intensity of the stimulus increases (now termed suprathreshold) until a maximal stimulus causes a maximum response. Any stimulus stronger than the maximal stimulus is called a supramaximal and does not result in any larger a CAP than the maximum response caused by the maximal stimulus. source:

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When a stimulus is sufficiently great enough to change the membrane potential and propagate an action potential it is called?
