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Q: The air behind a warm front is cold and dry?
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What weather is behind a cold front that runs into a warm front?

cold air mass & clearing conditions.

How does an occluded front devolope?

When a depression (or a low pressure system) forms, it usually consists of a warm front and a faster moving cold front. To the north of the warm front is the cool air that was in the area before the depression developed. As the depression intensifies, the cold front catches the warm front. The line where the two fronts meet is called an occluded front. When an occluded front passed overhead, you feel changes in temperature and wind speed. A cold occlusion occurs when the air behind the occluded front is colder than the air ahead of it. The cold occlusion acts in a similar way to a cold front in that the the cold air behind the front undercuts the cool air ahead of it. The other type of occluded front is the warm occlusion. A warm occlusion occurs when the air behind the occluded front is warmer than the air ahead of it. The warm occlusion acts in a similar way to a warm front in that the cool air behind the front is lighter than the cold air ahead of the front. This causes the cool air to pass over the top of the cold air.

How does an occluded front?

When a depression (or a low pressure system) forms, it usually consists of a warm front and a faster moving cold front. To the north of the warm front is the cool air that was in the area before the depression developed. As the depression intensifies, the cold front catches the warm front. The line where the two fronts meet is called an occluded front. When an occluded front passed overhead, you feel changes in temperature and wind speed. A cold occlusion occurs when the air behind the occluded front is colder than the air ahead of it. The cold occlusion acts in a similar way to a cold front in that the the cold air behind the front undercuts the cool air ahead of it. The other type of occluded front is the warm occlusion. A warm occlusion occurs when the air behind the occluded front is warmer than the air ahead of it. The warm occlusion acts in a similar way to a warm front in that the cool air behind the front is lighter than the cold air ahead of the front. This causes the cool air to pass over the top of the cold air. Occluded front is forms when a warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses.The warm air mass is cut off, occluded , from the ground.The occluded warm front may cause clouds and precipitation.

What happens in a occluded front?

At the boundary lines of air masses with different densities and/or temperature. There are cold fronts, warm fronts and occluded fronts. Cold fronts usually move faster than warm fronts.

What is heavier a warm front or a cold front?

It depends on if you mean heavy rain or light rain. If you mean heavy rain then when a cold air mass rises over a warm air mas. If you mean light rain then when a warm air mass rises over a warm air mass.

What front will occur when warm air pushes over cold air?

When warm air pushes into cold air the result is a warm front.

Describe the four major types of fronts?

1) Warm front - warm air mass replacing a cold air mass at ground level. Typically shifts wind southeasterly to southwesterly. 2) Cold front - Cold air replacing warm air at ground level. Tyoically shifts southwesterly to northwesterly 3) Stationary front - Equal amount of energy between warm and cold air masses creating a "stalemate".

When a warm air mass and a cold air mass stall to each other what is that called?

A stationery front. A cold front is where cold air gains over warm air. Warm front is where warm air gains over cold air. An Occluded front is where warm air is pushed up and cold aair over takes at lower levels.

Would you expect a warmer or colder temperatures after a warm front passes?

When a warm front passes it leaves behind hotter tempatures and more humidity, it is replacing the cold air with warm air basically.

What front is created when warm air and cold air collide?

That depends. If the cold air pushes into the warm air, moving it out of the way it is called a cold front. If the cold air retreats with warm air coming in to to replace it, the front is a warm front. if the two air masses come together along a boundary that does not move the result is a stationary front.

Why do clouds form behind a moving cold front?

They form from behind the moving cold front because the warm air condenses quickly producing clouds, rain, and stormy weather.

Why can a cold front push a warm front?

Cold air is denser than warm air. Which allows it to slide under that warm air and displace it.