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Q: The animals mates namesWhere can I find a list of animal mates?
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Which of these statements about animal communication are true a. Communication helps animals to find mates b. Communication helps animals find their food c. Communication helps animals?

All of those statements are true. There is no exception.

Why do animals use pheromones?

Animals use pheromones because they need to find mates and they have to use their instincts to attract mates and keep away predators.

What animal mates for life and dont find love again?

The Emporer Penguin.

How animals use the sense of hearing?

To locate danger, find mates, care for the young.

Animals with bilateral symmetry find food and mates and avoid predators more efficiently because they have?

more muscular control

How animals find food in unusual way?

animals usual find food by smelling it or they will kill an animal for food

Why does an animal defend its territory?

An animal will defend its territory to protect its resources. Two important resources for animals are food sources and suitable mates. If an animal wants to eat and breed it must defend these limited resources from rivals because, like any habitat, a territory has a carrying capacity : a maximum number of animals that can be supported by the habitat.

Can you find a wild animal and raise it?

You can - depending on the animal - but you shouldn't. Wild animals, excpecially older animals, are accustomed to living in the wild. If you find an injured animal, you should call your local wildlife canter and report it.

Define cold blooded animals?

Animals that do not regulate their own internal body temperature.

Do junior pandas find mates?

No there parents think they are too young to find mates.

What animals uses smell to attract a mate?

they smell really bad all the time and so do humans so they can smell them

What types of animals do animal testers look for?

well, animal testers like to find as many animals as possible to test so they are not usually looking for a specific animal