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it sounds like a drainage basin

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Q: The area of land that a stream or river gets its water from is called a?
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What is the area where a freshwater river or stream enters the ocean?

The area where a freshwater river or stream enters the ocean is called an estuary. It is a coastal area of brackish water formed when freshwater enters the ocean.

What is an area drained by a river system called?

an area drained by a river is called pooo lol

What is a network of stream and river that drain an area of its runoff?

A water cycle :]

What is the Land area where river collects water?

The land area where a river collects water is known as its watershed or drainage basin. This is the area of land where all the water that falls within its boundaries flows into a specific river or stream.

What is a shallow place called?

A shallow place in a river is called a ford if it is used as a place to wade across to the other side. A shallow place can also be called a sandbar if the water does not cover all of the sand in a river or stream.

What is it called when an area of land from which a stream or river collects runoff?

A drainage basin/ watershed.

The area where water drains into a river is called?

the area from which water drains into a river is called the river's catchment. A river's watershed is the connecting ridges surrounding the watershed, and separating it from adjacent ones.

What is flowing water that empties into an ocean or lake called?

The term for river water entering a lake is called the lake's inflow.The entry of a river or stream into a terminal lake, sea or ocean is called the mouth of the river.A related term, estuary, refers to a tidal area that extends upstream from the mouth.

The area from which a river derives its water is called?

water shed

What is the area of land that a river collects its water from called?

I believe its called a water shed but I'm not completely sure about that.AnswerA watershed (one word) is a ridge or other dividing line between stream catchments, although the term is (confusingly) also applied to the catchment area. Another term is drainage basin.

The triangle-shaped area of land at the mouth of a river is called .?

It is called a delta.

The area where a river originates?

The beginning of the river usually starts in mountainsided areas or in small lakes. It is also called a creek or stream.