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Q: The articles let the states enforce these?
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Under the Articles of Confederation could central government enforce laws passed by Congress?

no they could not enforce the laws.

What was the reason for creating the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles were a document that acted as a plan of government, but it loosely bound the states. The reason for the loosebinding was because it was believed that as little power as possible should be exerted upon states, and that states should have the most power. So the United States was not a country, it was a group of independent states that worked together. But soon enough, people knew the new government was not working, so the Articles were thrown away (figuratively) and the constitution replaced it.

What powers did the national government under the articles of confederation?

But the Articles left most important powers to the states. These powers included the authority to set taxes and enforce national laws. The Articles proposed to leave the states in control of the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains .

The articles gave them the power to set taxes?

The articles gave no one the right to levy taxes. Congress could not create or enforce a tax, they could only request funds from the states given on a volunteer basis.

How did the articles of confederation interfere with interstate commerce?

The Articles of Confederation had the power to settle disputes between states, but let the states make their own constitution/laws

What were the negatives of the Articles of Confederation?

The articles of confederation were unable to enforce taxes. They were only able to get "donations", this made the over all central government weaker than those of the states who were authorized to issue taxes. Also the states did not have equall representation in the government.

Which document created a weak central government power resided with the states and gave no power to tax or enforce laws?

Articles of Confederation. It was replaced with the constitution.

Why did the article of confederation set up congress?

The Articles of Confederation needed a congress to appoint and enforce the laws. They needed that because the Articles did not have enough power to appoint or enforce the laws.

Who had the authority under the Articles of Confederation?

The states.

What problem did the govnerment have under the articles of confederation?

The major problem of the government under the Articles of Confederation was that the national government was unable to enforce its laws. The Articles of Confederation were created on November 15, 1777.

Why the national government could not force the states to obey laws under the articles of confederation?

They couldn't enforce laws because they gave the states too much power. If they were to have a law, the only way for it to pass was if the 9 states voted in favor of it.

What was the difference between the articles confederation and the Constitution?

The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government. The Constitution created a strong central government. The Articles did not create an executive branch. Congress was a unicameral legislature. There was no federal court system under the Articles. Congress could not enforce the laws nor levy and collect taxes without the approval of the states, under the Articles. A major weakness under the Articles was its lack of power to regulate trade between the states and with foreign nations.