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Carbon is present in all organic compounds.

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Q: The atom present in all organic compounds is?
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What atom do all organic compounds have?

All organic molecules contain carbon atoms.

Differentiate the properties of inorganic compound and organic compound?

Carbon is always present in all organic compounds, but lacking in inorganic compounds. Similarly hydrogen is always present in organic compounds but are missing in inorganic compounds.

Which element is considered the foundation for making organic compounds?

Carbon is fundamental to all organic compounds. Organic compounds contain one or more C-H or C-C bonds. All organic compounds contain carbon, but not all carbon-containing compounds are organic, such as carbon dioxide.Carbon is the foundation for making organic compounds. Every organic contains carbon. Hydrogen is also present in every organic compound.

How do you draw a model of an atom that makes a creature be considered organic?

All organic compounds contain carbon.

What molecules are found in all or almost all organic compounds?

Carbon and hydrogen are found in all organic compounds. Oxygen and nitrogen are also commonly present in organic molecules.

What is present in virtually all organic compounds?

Carbon is the basic element.

An elementary substance not metallic in its nature which is present in all organic compounds?


Is there any organic compound without hydrogen?

No, all organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen. Hydrogen is an essential element in organic chemistry and is always present in organic compounds.

What is the study of organic compounds?

The study of organic compounds is known as organic chemistry. It focuses on the properties, structure, composition, reactions, and synthesis of carbon-based compounds, which are essential to life and play a significant role in various aspects of science and industry.

Carbon dioxide organic?

Although Carbon is present in all organic compounds, carbon dioxide is not considered to be an organic compound. Nor are carbonates.

What are all organic compounds are composed?

All organic compounds contain carbon.

What does the burning of organic compounds do?

All organic compounds can be burned.