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The next inert gas if discovered whenever its atomic number must be 118.

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Q: The atomic number of the next heavier noble gas will be?
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What is the possible atomic number of new element which resembles noble gases?

Noble gases with atomic numbers 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86 are known. The next in the series will be element with atomic number 118.

What elements noble-gas configuration contains Xe?

The atomic number of xenon is 54 whereas the atomic number of the next noble gas, radon, is 86. So the elements with atomic number 55 to 86 will contain Xenon while writing the noble gas configuration. rhenium(Re) <3

What elements mass is 30 and a noble gas but not neon?

There is no such noble gas with an atomic mass of 30. The mass of neon is 20 and the mass of the next noble gas, argon, is 40

Raised number next to the elemental symbol?

atomic mass or number?

How many valence electrons does sulfur want?

Two, to raise the outer shell total to eight electrons, like that of the next heavier noble gas.

Why does an atomic number increase?

If you mean looking at the next element on the table then the mass would increase. However, the atomic number is only the number of protons in an atom and is not a true indicator of atomic weight. Variations in Neutron count can cause differences in atomic weights.

Where do you fine out how many protons the atom has?

Look in the periodic table in school text books or revision guides - the number of protons in an atom is the same as the atomic number. In most periodic tables the atomic number is the subscript number next to the symbol of the element. The other number is the atomic mass - usually shown as the superscript number next to the symbol of the element. The atomic number is the smaller of the two numbers.

What are First four steps of He fusion after Be?

The first four: 1. Be 2. C 3. O 4. Ne How I found this: Since Helium (He) has an atomic number of 2, add two to the atomic number of Be. Since the atomic number of Be is 4, and the atomic number of Helium is 2, you would add four plus two, which equals six. Carbon has an atomic number of six, so therefore it would be your next answer. The formula is the atomic number of Helium plus the atomic number of element you are provided with equals the atomic number of your answer. In simpler terms: atomic number of He+atomic number= atomic number of answer

Which particles increase by one as you move from left to right in the periodic table?

At the beginning of the Periodic Chart, we start with hydrogen, atomic number 1. Next we move onto helium, atomic number 2. Therefore, the answer is the atomic number.

How do you know which one is the atomic number?

It is usually the biggest number in each elements box otherwise it is the number that is next in line from the one in front or behind the next element

How many number of electrons to fill valence outer shell of phosphorus?

Each phosphorus atom requires three electros to fill its outer valence shell, giving the resulting ion the same electronic configuration as an atom of the next heavier noble gas, argon.

Argon atomic number?

It's element #15. Try Google next time.