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Q: The average life span of a tortoise is 200 years How many scores is this?
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What is the average life span of a giant tortoise?

the average life span of a giant tortoise is100-150 years old

What is the life span of a Pinta Island Tortoise?

Around 80 to 120 years old.

What is the life expectancy of a Tunisian tortoise?

they can live up to 100 years if kept in the right conditions

Longest animal life span?

The giant tortoise lives around 175-180 years

Tortises life span?

A land tortoise can live for more than 150 years, although there is no definite answer.

Where does a tortoise spend 95 percent of his life?

The desert tortoise spends 95% of its life underground in a burrow.

What is a tortoise year in human years?

It was said that a turtle year was somewhat like a cat year. A turtle age is 15 in human years after its first year. And then 25 years old when it's 2, and then it adds on four every year. However, this has also been said to be a myth mainly because of the various different kinds of turtles and such. There's no way to even scientifically say how old an animal is compared to human years.

Longest life animal?

The animal that lives the longest is believed to be the giant tortoise, it lives for about 177 years in captivity.

What is average life expectancy in America?

The average life expectancy for a male in America is 75.5 years. The average life expectancy for a female in America is 80.8 years.

What are the Average life span of animals?

Elephant - 69 years Horse - 50 years Tiger - 25 years Wolf - 16 years Lion - 30 years Toad - 36 years Giant Tortoise - 152 years Cobra - 28 years Turkey Buzzard 118 years Swan - 102 years DOGS ARE EXTINCTED!! IDIOTS

How many years is 21 years in tortoise years?

There is many theories on how tortoises age but the most accurate I have came to found is 16 years for one human year, which would make it 336 years old at 21 human years. Their aging process is similar to a cat in which their "tortoise years" of life are much shorter than a human year.

Average life expectancy for amarican female?

The average life expectancy for an American female is around 81 years. This can vary based on factors such as lifestyle, genetics, and access to healthcare.