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Q: The average person falls asleep in?
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Related questions

How long does it take for an adult to fall asleep?

The average person fallls asleep in seven minutes.

Do buses help people get to where they need to be?

yes, unless the person falls asleep and misses their stop.

What does the average person do an average of 22 times a year?

Fall asleep on public transport

When does the average person fall asleep?

It takes the average person 20-30 minutes to fall asleep.

How long does it take a human body to fall asleep?

It takes the average person seven minutes to fall asleep

Who falls asleep during the battle in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe?

Aslan falls asleep during the battle.

What does it mean your crush falls asleep in our date?

the person is clearly bored and you should find another person to go out with that is worth your time

What happens if a testicle falls asleep?

Testicles do not fall asleep.

How much time is required for an average person to fall asleep?


What character falls asleep during the battle in the 2005 film ''The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe''?

No one falls asleep in the film battle.

How do you deal with a spouse that repeatedly turns you on then falls asleep?

both of you and your spouse should see a therapist if your spouse repeatedly turns you on and then falls asleep.

How many hours does an average person spend asleep in a day?

an avergage person sleeps about 8-11 hours