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Black surfaces with large area absorb heat best (a powder for example that is black).

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Q: The best absorbers of heat are what kinds of surfaces?
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What are the best absorbers of heat surfaces?

smooth, dark colored

The best absorbers of heat are blank surfaces?

That's a dum Question , but it's black,blank,surfaces(usually)

Which surfaces are poor radaitors and absorbers of heat?


What are the best absorbers of thermal radiation?

Black, dull surfaces are the best absorbers of thermal radiation because the heat doesn't reflect off it unlike shiny surfaces.

What type of surfaces are good radiators of heat?

Dull black surfaces they are also best at absorbing it as well. [Shiny and silvery or white surfaces are poor radiators and absorbers of heat. However they are very good in reflecting heat radiation.]

Why dark surfaces are good absorbers of heat and shiny surfaces are poor absorbers of heat?

If you are talking in terms of the suns heat being absorbed by the surfaces then I have the answer. Shiny surfaces naturally deflect the suns rays where as dark surfaces are easy conductors of heat as they naturally catch the suns rays. You will notice with leather or print on a shirt that it gets hot because the rays have nowhere to go. A shiny surface will just deflect it back.

Why does a firefighter wear a silver suit instead of a black suit?

Sliver surfaces reflect heat keeping the body of the firefighter cool, whereas black surfaces are good absorbers of heat.

What are the best surfaces for radiating heat?

Dark surfaces are the best.

What surfaces are better absorbers and emitters of thermal radiation?

Dark matt surfaces absorb heat radiation falling on them much better than bright glossy surfaces, such as gloss white or silver. They also emit much more heat radiation (at any given temp.)

Which surfaces are the best emitters of heat?

black dull surfaces but im looking for why these surfaces are the worst?

Why black bodies are good absorbers of heat?

the color black is a good conductor of heat, so black bodies are good absorbers of heat

What are the surfaces that are the best at absorbing radiation?

Lead shielding will stop most electromagnetic rays such as x-rays and gamma rays. It is also very effective at stopping alpha end beta particles, but even very thin layers of matter will usually suffice for that.