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How to Stop Using Excuses

Excuses are not the way to get through a hard situation. The best way is to tell the truth and admit you made a mistake. Just tell the teacher you forgot about it, or whatever actually happened - then ask how you can make up the work! Making a mistake is not a huge deal unless you keep doing the same thing over and over. If you offer to do the work over, or to do another assignment to make it up, then the teacher will see that you are willing to work, and will not get so mad.

Also, there are some ways to help remember these things. If you are constantly forgetting about homework you were assigned, you can get a planner or agenda of some sort so that you can write it all down in one place. Then, when you get home, you can look at it and remember everything. If you are constantly leaving your homework at your residence or in a car, check to make sure that you have everything in a folder of your back pack before you leave every morning. Or, if you're like me and tend to forget the worksheets in class, take a minute after school every day to take out your agenda and make sure you have everything you need to complete each homework assignment. If you forget the worksheet in class one day and don't realize this until 6 at night, rather than telling your teacher the next day that you couldn't do your homework because of this, you should call a reliable friend to get the problems that are on the worksheet over the phone. Write the problems down on a sheet of paper while your friend dictates. Your teacher will be impressed by your responsibility at handling the situation.

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12y ago
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10y ago

**Read this whole list if you want funny excuses**

  • The best answer is just tell the truth.
  • Kids always think their teachers are too dumb to know when they are being lied to - think about this for a minute.

**That out of the way, here are some dumb excuses you can laugh at**

  • "I'm sorry, I must not say. The government has sworn me to secrecy.
  • My fish Barney died.
  • I ran it over with my Grandpas car.
  • I dropped it in a muddy puddle on the way to the bus.
  • It flew out the bus window as I was madly trying to finish it.
  • We ran out of toilet paper.
  • It got lost on the computer and I busted my flash drive.
  • I dropped it in the toilet.
  • My mom said no.
  • My Dad accidentally put it in his briefcase and took it to work.
  • We're paper training the new puppy
  • I had it in my pocket and my pants got washed
  • I left it at Mom's house when she took me back to Dad's house.
  • My locker is jammed and I can't get my homework out of it.
  • Aliens abducted my homework
  • I gave it to my best friend and she ate it
  • MythBusters wanted to use it for a show and they took it
  • I dropped it in my baby sister's bath water
  • Ninjas stole it
  • The local news reporter thought it was an assignment and took it
  • Mom made me go to bed early as a punishment
  • I sent it off to win a Pulizer Prize
  • The cat used it when we ran out of kitty litter
  • My mean babysitter ripped it up
  • A mad paper-airplane club rampaged our neighborhood and took all the paper
  • Termites ... rabid termites
  • My dog (cat/getbil/horse/rhino/mermaid) ate it

It would be best to simply tell the truth about why you did not do your homework. Teachers can often tell when someone is being dishonest, so lying would not make the situation any better. Whatever you do, don't use the "my dog ate it" excuse."

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14y ago

1) 'I did but someone stole it (crying)' 2. 'your grandma died' 3. 'i left my backpack in my locker' 4. 'you were sick' 5. 'i forgot it at home and my mom can email it to you(have your mom do it for you then email it)'

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7y ago
Forgetting Homework - note this is NOT the question where you write funny excuses - see related question below for that!Everyone forgets things now and then - don't stress too much if you forgot it once. Also, people "forget" things they don't really want to do - sometimes it's just your brain trying not to think of unpleasant things, but sometimes it's on purpose.

Here are some things you can do to keep from forgetting homework.

  • Have one assignment notebook where you write down all of your homework, test dates, and other assignments. Keep this with you at all times! This way, you won't lose any of your homework pages.
  • Keep an assignment calendar at home in a place where you and your parents can both see it easily. Write down all of your assignments so that everyone knows when your projects and tests will be.
  • Have a set time every day to do your school work. If you have homework, do it during that time. If you don't have homework, use the time to study your notes and textbooks so that you can stay on top of the class! Here are some things you can do if you did forget your work.


  • If you did the work, but left it at home, see if someone can get the work and bring it to you. If you forgot your work at home, see if a parent can bring it to school and leave it in the office for you.
  • If you forgot the work at school, see if one of your classmates knows the assignment and can tell you.
  • Another way to find out the assignment is to try the school or classroom website
  • Confess. Tell the teacher that you are very sorry, and that you will get the work in the next day. This only works if you don't do it much, so don't try this to get out of doing the work!
  • If you just didn't do the work at all, you're going to have to take the consequences of your choices
  • Ask for help. If you are really having trouble remembering, see if the teacher can help, or get a tutor for extra help with the work.
More Advice from our Wiki Contributors:
  • Well,you should call a friend if you forget your homework.Or if you don't have access to the phone or you don't have a friends phone number you always can tell the teacher that you you forgot your homework and tell that you will never do it again.Sometimes people purposefully "forgot" their homework but they really don't want to do it,or they will make a lame excuse so they can slide by with out getting in trouble.But if it was a whole-week kind of assignment,and you say that 'I forgot my homework."The teacher will probably won't feel pity, because they had all week to do it. the teacher will probably say "You had all week to do it!".So never try to forget
  • Well, it depends on your teacher. Some teachers you can just ask for more time, and they will be okay with that. It's usually best to just tell the truth... why you couldn't do it, and ask if you can still turn it in. Sometimes a really good or creative excuse will help. ... In general though, instead of throwing a lot of effort into coming up with an excuse, it's easier to just do the homework. It helps you learn, and learning helps you grow and succeed.
  • if your school is still open and you realize that you forgot your homework. Just go back and get it. don't panic.
  • Also, when you are doing your homework, always always always remember where you were doing it the first time so that, even if the place is messy, you can mentally note that "Yes, my homework is somewhere in here and I won't stop until I find it!!" Don't ever do your homework in two or three different locations unless absolutely necessary so as to keep from losing it and never really pinpointing where it orignally was. Believe me, I know from personal experience!!
  • Tell your mum or tell the teacher or try and find the awsers online. My mum gets annoyed if I tell her so I tell her then the teacher and the teacher makes you do it AT LUNCH BREAK AT MY SCHOOL

Well it depends on the teacher. Usually they will let you turn it in the next class. Otherwise you could try and get it done before the class during school when you have down time. If you have a good grade it won't effect it much probably. But don't panic it happens all the time.
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11y ago

Not giving an excuse is best. Do you think teachers haven't heard all the excuses that can be given or we don't know when we hear one? I have been teaching 30 years and I won't listen to them. Talk to the hand. By accepting your excuse, as a teacher, I am allowing you to fail. Grow up and accept the responsibility for not getting it done. Teachers will respect you for it.

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12y ago

Some good excuses for getting out of homework:

  • My parents will be supporting me for the rest of my life so I don't need to learn anything.
  • Job application? All I need is my fine looks to get a job. Right?
  • Just because I'll be living in a box doesn't mean I'll need to read the name on the box. The arrow will tell me which way is up.
  • I plan to use my time in prison to get my GED.

Or you can use this incomprehensible list of excuses that has received a grade of F for poor sentence structure, poor spelling, poor grammar, incorrect punctuation and capitalization, and lack of any sense at all (obviously contributed by someone who has never done homework or much school work either.):

heres a good homework exccuse 2 use on your teahcer.

you: "teacher would you punish me for something i didnt do?"

teacher: "why, sugar pie!! of COURSE NOT!"

you: "pinkie swear? swear to god? sweat across your heart hope to die?"

teacher: (rolls eyes and laughs) "yes. i swear i would never punish you for something you didnt do!!"

you: "GOOD! im relieved cuz i didnt do my homewrok!"


you: ah-ah-ah! you swore on 3 different things!

techer: "but i...well i... er, um..."

you: "see you later, teacher! have a sweet day!"

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10y ago

I was suffering from severe gastrointestinal distress.

The only valid excuse would be illness or a family emergency - and you'd better be able to prove that it really was something that would keep you from doing your work because the teacher has seen all of the excuses before.

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9y ago

You can give many excuses. Some classic ones are "my dog teared my notes" or "some distant relative is ill and I was gone to see him". But you have to understand that homeworks are for your own good and you should do it sincerely.

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14y ago

"I am sorry Teacher, I was too lazy to do my homework."

Honesty is the best policy.

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9y ago

You must avoid all excuses not to do your homework by referring to the textbook

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First you look everywhere if. Then you tell you mom to write a letter for new homework. Make a great excuse to your teacher.

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excuse me what do you mean do your homework what are you 4 years old. Stupid jerk

How do you spell excue?

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