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Topic headings in your outline

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Q: The best way to ensure parallel construction in your essay is to use similar?
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Parallel construction means that you A begin each paragraph of your essay in the same way B repeat the first paragraph of your essay as the last paragraph C give both sides of the argument in you?

Parallel construction in writing means that two or more ideas are equally important. These ideas are set up in a grammatically identical format, lining up the noun and verb for each idea.

Is an essay similar to a story?

is an essay similar to a story?

Where in the essay should this parallel appear?

The parallel should be highlighted at the beginning of the essay to effectively introduce the comparison between concepts or ideas being discussed. This lays the foundation for the reader to understand the relationship between the two subjects throughout the essay.

What efforts have you made to ensure that your essay is written for a diverse audience?


One way to ensure that your essay does what you set out to do is to?

Identify sentences that connect to your purpose.

One way to ensure that your essay does what you set out to do is to .?

Identify sentences that connect to your purpose.

How is an essay similar to a paragraph?

An essay and a paragraph are similar in that they both consist of a group of related sentences that convey a main idea or topic. Both also have a structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Additionally, both are used to organize thoughts and arguments in a coherent and logical manner.

What part of a paragraph is similar to an essay conclusions?

the clincher <..apex.

Which is most similar to a persuasive essay?

An argumentative essay is most similar to a persuasive essay, as both aim to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or argument. Both types of essays present evidence, facts, and reasoning to support their position on a given topic.

If you wanted to explain to a reader how lemons limes and oranges are similar and different what kind of essay would you write?

Compare-and-contrast essay

If you wanted to explain to a reader how lemon limes and oranges are similar and different what kind of essay would you write?


Are the form function and content of an essay similar to that of speech?

Yes. -Rae