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Q: The black death society in the 14th century?
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What most eased population pressure in Europe in the 14th century?

the black death.

What great epidemic of bubonic plague ravaged Europe in the 14th century?

black death

Where there any deaths in the 14th century?

yes, because that's when the black death started.

What disease spreaded rapidly through Europe in the 14th century?

smallpox, black death and more

What areas of the world were affected by the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century?

All of Europe and Asia.

Did kingdoms in the 13th century go through the black death?

The Black Death appeared in Europe on a major scale in 1348. 1300-1399 is considered the 14th century, so no, at least not in Europe.

Name the plague that ravaged and killed a third of Europe's population in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.

What was the time of the black death?

14th century was the time. Exactly 1343-54 in Europe and middle east.

What was the name of the plague that hit Europe in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague, which gave birth to the Black Death.

Which disease gives dark splotches it formed on its victims' bodies in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague (Black Death).

Is the black death real?

An outbreak of bubonic plague that was pandemic throughout Europe and much of Asia in the 14th century.

Why did the black death spread in the 14Th century?

By fleas on rats which stowed away on trading ships by poor asians on the black boat