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Carbon monoxide (It binds to the protein haemoglobin in the place of oxygen)

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Q: The bloods ability to carry oxygen is blocked by?
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Why is Hct below normal after giving birth?

Hematocrit is measures your bloods ability to carry oxygen. The less blood you have the less oxygen it can carry. You bleed about 350ml when you have a vaginal delivery. That is about the amount in a 12oz can of soda.

What is the lack of the ability of the body to carry oxygen may be due to a deficiency?

A lack of the ability of the body to carry oxygen may be due to a deficiency in

Hemoglobin gives red blood cells the ability to?

Hemoglobin gives the red blood cells the ability to carry oxygen.

What is the chemical in cigarette smoke that reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen?

Carbon monoxide is the chemical in cigarette smoke that reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen. It binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells more readily than oxygen, displacing oxygen and impairing its transportation to tissues.

What is a condition in which the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is reduced?

Lack of heamoglobin, lack of iron etc

What substance interferes with the body's ability to carry oxygen?

The substance that makes it difficult for the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is also poisonous the cells in the body.

How does marijuana affect bone healing?

smoking the herb greatly slows the healing process of of the body. weather it is the bone or the bodies own tissue (muscles and or tendons) due to the fact it greatly reduces the bloods ability to carry oxygen to the damaged areas. it has a worse effect in this regard then smoking cigarette's.

How does a blocked artery cause less oxygen to reach the heart?

Arteries carry blood, oxygenated by the lungs, to the cells of the body. Since the heart is a large muscle, its cells need oxygen too. When one of the arteries supplying the heart with oxygenated blood is blocked ("occluded") the oxygen cannot reach the cells supplied by that artery.

How does temperature affect fish?

Temperatures affect speed of metabolism, enzyme activity, and the blood's ability to carry oxygen.

The deadly gas found in burning cigarettes that interferes with the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen is called?

carbon monoxide

What is the effect of cardiovasvular endurance on the muscles?

When you build cardiovascular endurance you increase the ability of your body to absorb oxygen and carry it to the muscles which gives them the ability to perform longer and stronger.

A genetic disease that affect the ability of blood to carry oxygen b changing the shape of the red blood cell?

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that affects the ability of blood to carry oxygen because it causes red blood cells to take on a sickle shape, which can clog blood vessels and impair oxygen delivery to tissues. Symptoms include anemia, pain, and fatigue, and complications can include organ damage and stroke. Treatment aims to manage symptoms and prevent complications.