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Q: The bones of the middle ear are set into motion by vibrations of the?
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What do the bones of the middle ear are set into motion by vibrations of the?

The Incus, Malleus and Stapes are the bones of the middle ear. They are the smallest bones in the human body. The three bones are connected by hinges and are levers that carry the vibrations collected from the ear drum to the middle ear

What is the functions of the bones in the middle ear?

These are responsible for transferring and amplifying the vibrations from outer ear to inner ear

What is the function of bones of the middle ear?

These are responsible for transferring and amplifying the vibrations from outer ear to inner ear

What the ear does?

The ear receives vibrations or sound waves in the air through the ear's opening and down the ear canal. These vibrations strike the eardrum, which then makes vibrations. These vibrations are passed to three bones in the middle ear and into the cochlea, which then translates the vibrations into sound.

What help to amplify sound vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window?

The vibrations are amplified by the three tiny bones from your middle ear.

Does the eardrum send messages to the inner ear?

Yes. Ear drum send messages to inner ear in the form of vibrations. These vibrations are transmitted through three small bones in the middle ear.

What cavity contains tiny bones that transmit sound vibrations to the organ of hearing in the inner ear?

middle ear cavity

Does an rabbit have 3 middle ear bones?

One thing that sets mammals apart from other animals is that they have three small bones (auditory ossicles) in the middle ear that amplify and transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window. The rabbit is a mammal and the answer is YES they have 3 middle ear bones.


The tympanic membrane in the middle ear transforming sound waves into mechanical vibrations. These vibrations stimulate the inner ear.

What cavity contains tiny bones that transmit sounds vibrations to the organ of hearing in the inner ear?

Middle ear. It is attached to pharynx via eustachian tube.

What is the function of the bones in the inner ear?

The three auditory ossicles are bones of the middle ear.There are no bones elsewhere in the ear (none in inner ear).tympannic side = malleus or hammermiddle = incus or anviloval window side = stapes or stirrup

How does the incus in the ear work?

The incus is one of the small bones in the middle ear. Sound waves hit the ear drum and together with the other bones it tends to transmit the vibrations from the ear drum to the cochlea to the brain so as to unable one to hear.