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it showed the level of unhappiness the Chinese felt towards foreign influence.

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Q: What were some result of imperialism for the Boxer Rebellion?
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How were missionaries affected by the Boxer Rebellion?

Some were killed in the Boxer Rebellion.

How many missionaries lost their lives during the boxer rebellion?


What are some reasons against of US involvement in the boxer rebellion?

United States involvement in the Boxer Rebellion would have contradicted the ideals George Washington laid out in his farewell address. It also would have violated the Monroe Doctrine by becoming involved in Europe's colonial matters

Where did the major revolutions take place and why?

The US and USSR. The American Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. However, there are some who will contend the Boxer Rebellion was a revolution, but the result was far different from the main two.

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Look up "Boxer rebellion"

Who does boxer represent in Animal Farm?

(old answer, not my answer)boxer is named after the boxer rebellion in China ! (my answer) boxer represents a type of person during that time. not a particular person in history. he represents a very hardworking person. there were some people like boxer in real like that. boxer represents that type of person

How did us react to the Boxer Rebellion?

The United States responded to the Boxer Rebellion by using some of it's military forces to help suppress it. They attempted to mitigate the financial damage by using part of its share of the reparations to help Chinese students studying in America.

What is the boxer rebellion?

the boxer rebellion was a violent anti-foreign, anti-Christian movement by the "Righteous Fists of Harmony," in China between 1898 and 1901.A secret ninja group with different fighting techniques. Usually fought with China and Japan

What are some reasons in favor of us involvement in the boxer rebellion?

One of the reasons the US was in favor of becoming involved in the Boxer Rebellion was the due to the siege of the American Consulate in Beijing. The US was also part of the Eight-Nation Alliance.

Which were the 2 continents victim of imperalism?

Africa and Asia were the two continents most affected by imperialism during the 19th and 20th centuries, where European powers colonized and exploited their resources for economic gain and political control.

How can you avoid the boxer rebellion?

By not travelling back in time. If you mean: how could it have been prevented, the answer is that it probably would have happened in some form anyway as it was a reaction to the condescending and aggressive way in which Westerners were treating China in matters of diplomacy, commerce and religion. Only if the West had treated China with more respect in these fields and especially had refrained from very assertively trying to convert the Chinese to Christianity, Chinese resentment and the Boxer rebellion might not have occurred.

What are some facts about imperialism?
