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no. it spins a sack of silk containing about 40 eggs which may be deposited or carried. it may guard the young a few weeks after birth.

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Q: The brown recluse spider gives birth to live young?
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My brother got bite by a spider yesterday but i don't know what kind it is please help?

Most spider bites are minor and fade away quickly but the brown recluse gives severe results... You should have your brother's doctor take a look at it... Or someone who knows a lot about spiders and their effects

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im not totally sure if u go on google it gives u a correct answer.

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Yes, the spider monkey (like all monkeys and other primates) is a mammal. It has hair, not true fur, and it gives live birth and nurses its young.

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It depends upon the animals.. For example spider gives birth and die but pigs gives birth of too many babies but still alive. It is not necessary dat animal die after give birth of so many babies

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Are monkeys born alive or eggs?

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