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Q: The bundles of axons in the body that travel together through the body are known as the?
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What is a group of axons bundled together called?

a nerve is bundled together by neuron fibers. The CELL BODY OF A NERVE or neuron is surrounded by satellite cells.

What is the bundle of axons called in the CNS?

Axons and dendrites that go to or from the same region of the body travel together in bundles, somewhat like telephone cables. A nerve is a bundle of axons and/or dendrites in the PNS. A bundle of axons and/or dendrites in the CNS is called a tract.for more info see link below

What are Bundles of axons are called?


What is the name for bundles of myelinated axons in the PNS?


Bundles of axons in the central nervous system are known as?


Large bundles of axons and dendrites visible to the unaided eye are?


In most animals axons and dendrites are clustered into bundles of fiber called?


What is a group of axons bundled together coated in myelin that travels together through the body?

A Nerve

The corpus callosum is one of the bundles of axons that connects the two halves of what organ?


What are Nadis?

Nadis are nerves. Prana Shakti is supposed to flow through the nadis which means the electrical impulses that travel through the axons.

What is a group of axons bundled together coated in myelin that travels together through the body called?

Its called a tract; while a bundle of axons in the PNS is called a nerve

What are CD players?

They are to be used to listen to music. They are made in South East China. And they produce sound with axons that travel through and pop into sound waves. When you put a CD in the player, the little holes on the Cd travel into axons which pop into little trays which shoots out sound! And that is the Answer. And the guy who made it was Johnathan Server.