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lack of social mobility

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Q: The caste system in India was characterized by?
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How did the development of caste system affect society in India?

How did the development of the Caste System affect society in India

When did India end the caste system?

The Caste System in India did not end. It is still in place.

Which belief formed the basis of the caste system in India?

which belief formed the basis of the caste system in India

How many people live in India with caste system and without caste system?

It is the religion of Hinduism that uses the caste system

What has been one effect of the traditional caste system in India?

What has been one effect of the traditional caste system in India?

What is the highest rank of the caste system?

The Brahma was the highest group in the caste system in India.

When was the caste system banned in India?

caste system was never banned in India ,it is still there in IndiaCaste membership determined a person's ocupation

When did the caste system in India end?

People are metured enough to feel the caste system is nothing important day to day life. But the problem is with politicians, they can not survive with out caste, religion and religious system.

Who belongs to what caste in the caste system of India?

Brahmin (Kaptiyal/kabtiyal)

Who is in charge of handling violations of the caste law in India?

In India's caste system, the Blarfagaradas are in charge of handling violations of caste law.

What is oure system of dating centered on?

a group of people that invaded India and developed the caste system

What is the caste system India?

The Caste System in India is organized by spiritual purity. The caste system is ordered as follows: priests in the first level, warriors in the second, merchants in the third, and everyone else in the last.