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Q: The center solid part of the atom?
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What part of a atom can protons and nuetons be found?

The nucleus, which is the center of the atom.

Is the nucleus in the atom?

The nucleus is the central part of the atom. (It's in the center)

The center of an antom?

The center of an atom is the nucleus. Inside an atom you will find neutrons, electrons and protons. The nucleus is the most important part of an atom.

Where is the nucleus in the atom?

The nucleus is the central part of the atom. (It's in the center)

Where is the massive part located in an atom?

in the center. Its called a Nucleus. It controlls the atom

Which best describes the nucleus of an atom?

The nucleus of an atom is the densest part of an atom. It contains the protons and neutrons of an atom.

What part of uranus is made of solid?

the center

What did rutherford's gold foil experiment show?

There is a solid region in the atom, he named this part of atom as Nucleus.

What part of Uranus made of solid material?

The center

What part of uranus is made of solid material?

The center

What is a nucleus part of?

Generally a nucleus is "the center." It mainly pertains to the center of a living cell but is also the center of an atom.