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Q: The changes in the brain seen in marijuana users are similar to those seen in?
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Why are those supporting legalization skeptical of medical research involving the risks of marijuana?

we arent. its ok to smoke. your brain actually makes its own cannabis. you need to watch the documentary the union. its because of ignorant idiots like you that marijuana is illegal.

Long term effects from marijvana?

Scientists have learned a great deal about how THC acts in the brain to produce its many effects. When someone smokes marijuana, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the "high" that users experience when they smoke marijuana. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement.1 Not surprisingly, marijuana intoxication can cause distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and problems with learning and memory. Research has shown that marijuana's adverse impact on learning and memory can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off.2 As a result, someone who smokes marijuana every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time. Research on the long-term effects of marijuana abuse indicates some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term abuse of other major drugs. For example, cannabinoid withdrawal in chronically exposed animals leads to an increase in the activation of the stress-response system3 and changes in the activity of nerve cells containing dopamine.4 Dopamine neurons are involved in the regulation of motivation and reward, and are directly or indirectly affected by all drugs of abuse.

How is the functioning of brain different in different human beings although everyone has a similar braini.e everyone has similar parts of brain?

All humans (aside from those with brain differences due to injury or disease) have the same brain structures of relatively the same size. What makes us different is the way our brains are "wired" which has to do with the stimulus we are exposed to, as well as genetic factors.

What is mild explosion?

Even a single mild explosion can cause changes in the brain that have similarities to those found in diseases like Alzheimer's disease.

What brain disease can develop in those with mental retardation?

People with Down syndrome will develop the brain changes that characterize Alzheimer's disease in later life and may develop the clinical symptoms of this disease as well.

What dose marijuana do to your brain? (this is a nice site for you to get started with understanding the hole process of how drugs affect the brain.AnswerThere aren't any real pictures of anything that marijuana does to the brain. There is no detectable effect, even with long-term use. The pictures shown above are US Government propaganda. The US Government has had an openly stated and deliberate policy of lying about marijuana since at least 1930. The full text of nearly every major government commission report on marijuana over the last 100 years is available at Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy. Every major government commission report on marijuana from around the world over the last 100 years has concluded that marijuana prohibition was based on racism, ignorance, and nonsense. They all said the marijuana laws should have been repealed long ago because they do more harm than good. They all concluded that marijuana is not a significant threat to health.The largest study of the health effects of marijuana to date was done by Kaiser Permanente. They studied the health records of 65,000 patients over a number of years. They found no significant differences between the health histories of those who smoked pot versus those who did not smoke marijuana.Marijuana and

What does marijuana affects?

It depends on the user, and how, for lack of better words, immune they are to the effects of marijuana. Generally, Marijuana distorts perception making it hard to tell time and how fast things are moving. It affects your perception of those two things. For some users, it makes them hunger, what is known as the munchies, others it makes them tired, while some get hyper. It all depends on the person. For some thing feelings are intense and they can become paranoid. Marijuana is not for all users.

What kind of feeling does Marijuana produce?

The feeling that Marijuana produces is happy and sleepy. those are the only feelings i believe it produces.

When was Those Magic Changes created?

Those Magic Changes was created in 1978.

Does marijuana help depression and anxiety?

to an extent. When smoking, one is not often depressed or anxious-- though, hat is not to say that it helps those problems. Marijuana's active chemical, THC, affects Serotonin Dopamine into your brain. Through this, you experience euphoria and 'no pain'-- not so bad, right? Well, normally. If you 'alleviate' your depression/angst with Marijuana too much, then life without the effects will become unbearable. Temporarily, this will help. But no permanently, no.

Studies show that teens who smoke marijuana are more likely to become addicted to other drugs then those who never smoke?

only a littl more likely. but it changes from person to person like do they have an addictive personality? etc

Should marijuana be legal or in legal?

The only reason it's still illegal is because the FDA has classified it as a "schedule 1 drug". Schedule 1 drugs are those with no medical uses at all. However, as everyone knows it has many medical uses. The FDA also has a patent on marijuana as a brain protectant. So, once they sort out that contradiction it will be legal as it should be.