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the 5th phase

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Q: The chromosomes become invisible in what phase?
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What phase The chromosomes become invisible?

Interphase also known when you have fun with yourself

The chromosomes become invisible during what phase?

Interphase also known when you have fun with yourself

What phase does the chromosomes become invisible?

Interphase also known when you have fun with yourself

What phase do chromosomes become less visible?

Interphase as they become decondenced

Which phase do chromosomes first become visible?

Interphase as they become decondenced

When are Chromosomes not visible?

In interphase the chromosomes are not yet visible but become visible in prophase

Name the phase of cell division when duplicated chromosomes first appear?

Duplicated chromosomes first become visible during prophase.

What is the phase of mitosis when chromosomes become visibly shortened and thickened?


How many chromosomes enter the G2 Phase?

How chromosomes enter the G2 phase?

What is the name of the phase of mitosis in which chromosomes become elongated and the nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear?


The phase of mitosis during which chromosomes become visible and the centrioles seperate from one another is?


What phase does chromosomes first appear to be double?

It is during the prophase in which chromosomes first appear to be duplex structures.Each cell in a person typically has 23 pairs of chromosomes.