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a big gay yeet

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Q: The clydesdale clippity-clopped down the cobblestones employs?
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At what age does a clydesdale stop growing?

A Clydesdale is one of the slower growing species of horses. Generally growth does not slow down to around the age of six or seven years.

What age does a Clydesdale stop growing?

A Clydesdale is one of the slower growing species of horses. Generally growth does not slow down to around the age of six or seven years.

Name something you would get the creeps if you didnt know who santa Claus is?

Long BEARD Comes down chimney sitting on his lap employs elves

If rainforests are important why are they cut down?

The land is needed to grow food for the growing population, and the need of timber contributed. Also, loggers in the rainforest need to cut down trees to turn into timber to carry on their industry as the government employs them.

What is something about Santa Claus would give you the creeps if you never heard about him?

1) Long beard 2) Comes down chimney 3) You sit on his lap 4) Employs elves

What is the difference between dance and mathematics?

Dance employs the body, with all its instincts. Mathematics employs the brain, with the concept of thinking things through and, yes, writing them down. Would you rather dance with someone who reduces the experience to equations, or with someone who simply employs the sensuality which engages any dance, from the waltz to the Gaelic foot tapping to the tarantella, to the Greek community dancing...the list goes on. You cannot dance or play music to mathematical formulae. What a mess that'd make of our very human reactions to one another!

What is the purpose of employers associations?

An employer hires (or employs) people and an employee works for the employer. So if you work at Walmart, you are an employee of walmart or employed by walmart. Walmart is your employer. -T.W.K

What are the Structured programming languages?

In Structured Programming also known as Modular Programming Each Method(function) is structured itself. Such logical structure make programming more efficient and easy to understand. it employs Top-Down design model.

What makes Obama a wise world leader?

I don't recall anyone ever accusing Barack Hussein Obama of being a "wise" world leader, even his fellow Democrats! He really is a beginner at world diplomacy (not a put-down), but he employs several adequate advisors.

How many people does Starbucks employ in the US?

As of 2011, Starbucks employed 149,000 people.

How many employees does Revere Copper have?

Only part of the Rome NY plant is left. Presently it employs about 210 down from about 500 in 2004. In the 1940's, 50's and 60's Rome NY plant employed about 3,500. Revere closed their oldest plant in New Bedford Ma in 2007 that had only 85 at the time. In the 1970's it had 1200 +.

Which country use DC supply for domestic applications?

More over the rating only differs from country to country.No country employs DC current for domestic appliances because the voltage have to be stepped down or stepped up as per our requirement.