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angle at which visible light is reflected off the object.

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Q: The color that an object appears to be depends on the?
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Is it true that the color an object appears to be is the color of light that is absorbs?

NO it is not true an OBJECT appears colour because it reflect that colour

When all colors are absorbed by an object the object appears to be what color?


Is the color of an object the sum of the color it will reflect or transmit?

The colour an object appears to be is the colour of the light it is reflecting.

How does the color of an object depends on the reflection and the absorption of light?

If it reflects that color of light, you're eyes will see that color being reflected by the object (when the color is being shown on the object, white light contains 'all' colors of visible light). If an object absorbs a color of light you will tend not to see it coming off of the object. Translation: objects will appear the color(s) of light that it reflects. If an object appears red, it reflects red light.

What dominant color appears for an incandescent bulb?

The answer is a blue-green colour.

What appears when all the colors is absorbed by the object?

When light of all colors (wavelengths) is absorbed by an object, the object appears black.

What is the color that an object appears to be determined by?

It is determined by the wavelengths of light that reach your eyes.

If white light shines on an object and the object appears blue, this means that?

The object reflects blue light more than it does any other color.

What color can you see when you look at an opaque object?

It depends on which frequencies are reflected off the object.

What color light is absorbed by an object that appears red under white light?

Red Light

If a substance appears red in color then what color light is reflected?

I think it's mainly the red light that's reflected from the object.

What determines the colour of an opaque object when illuminated with with white light?

The object appears to have the color of the light that it is worst at absorbing. That'sthe color of which the most light remains to be scattered and reflected to your eye.