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Q: The command that adjusts the height of the rows in a table so that they are equal is called what?
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What is a cylinder with equal height and diameter called?

Circumscribed cylinder

What are lines connecting points of equal height called?

Contour lines.

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Why is it called side for only squares and not base or height?

Since the base and height for a square are always equal, and all angles included are right angles (90 degrees), it is common to refer to each as a side. All sides are of equal length, and base = height.

What is the length width and height of a figure called?

Those are called dimensions. But if you're referring to length X width X height (l X w X h) That is equal to volume.

What does of equal height mean?

Of equal height means that at least two objects or people are the same height. It is a phrase used when making a comparison.

Is base times height equal length?

Base times height tims width equal to length

Is a square prism's length width and height equal?

Yes, a square prism's height, length, and width are equal.

What does eguality mean?

Equal with a "q" means with the same measure. People with the same height are equal.

Why is the area of a rectangle base times height?

A rectangle is a good, simple shape to begin with. The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of the length of its base and the length of its height. The height is a segment that is perpendicular to the base. For a rectangle, the base and height are often called the "length" and the "width", and sometimes the height is referred to as the "altitude."

How can the gravitational potential energy of an object be changed?

Gravitational potential energy is equal to mass x gravity x height. Changing either the mass or the height will work.Gravitational potential energy is equal to mass x gravity x height. Changing either the mass or the height will work.Gravitational potential energy is equal to mass x gravity x height. Changing either the mass or the height will work.Gravitational potential energy is equal to mass x gravity x height. Changing either the mass or the height will work.

What is the name of the line on a map that joins places of equal height?

The name of the line on a map that joins places of equals height is "the contour." Contour lines are lines of equal elevation, whereas isohypse are lines of equal geopotential height.