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The Cold War

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Q: The contest for world leadership that began after world war 2 between the communist nation and the nations of the west?
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What do you mean by It was a struggle between Democracy and Communism?

The cold war was a struggle between Communist Nations and NON-Communist Nations.

What communist nations were located between the Soviet Union and the iron curtain?

Communist nations between the iron curtain and the soviet union were found in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland

What two new alliances were made after World War 2 one between Communist Eastern European nations and the other between Western non-Communist nations?

Warsaw Pact verses NATO.

What two new alliances were made after World War 2 one between Communist Eastern European nations and the other between Western non Communist nations?

Warsaw Pact verses NATO.

Why do the communist nations have a coalition against Israel?

They don't - there are no communist nations.

What is meant by the term the end of the Cold War?

The period of tension and rivalry between communist nations and noncommunist nations ends.

What do the above China Korea Vietnam and Angola nations have in common?

They fought civil wars between communist and non-communist groups.

What was the tension between communist and democratic nations after World War 2 called?

The cold war.

What group did the soviet union form that protected the communist nations?

The defensive alliance of communist nations was called the Warsaw Pact.

List three nations during the cold war that were divided into communist and noncommunist parts?

Three nations divided into communist and non-communist were Germany, Korea and Vietnam(until it became completely communist)

Why was the communist takeover in China of concern to Western nations?

As a communist nation, China became part of the global communist alliance lead by the USSR. Western nations were in conflict with the communist bloc during the Cold War.