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Q: The conviction of members of the American Communist party in the early 1950s was initially upheld as a lawful restriction of the right?
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Used by the court to uphold the conviction of 11 American communist party leaders?

Alien Registration Act

How do you use conviction in a sentence?

Jody had a firm conviction he was going to be the next American Idol. He just knew it in his heart.After his conviction for murder, the ex-lawyer became completely depressed.

Which of the following is still a valid reason for denying someone the right to vote in an American election?

criminal conviction

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Senator Huey Long.

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Platt Amendment

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No. There are in fact no countries in South America that are communist.

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To prevent the communist take over of the NON-communist Republic of South Vietnam, by Communist NORTH Vietnam.

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Joseph McCarthy caused panic and paranoia about communist infiltration of the American government in the 1950s.

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They were not allowed to vote or...

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They were not allowed to vote or...