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Q: The cytoplasmic extensions that provide the main receptive surfaces for neurons are what?
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Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from other nerve cells?


Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from what other nerve cells?

Cytoplasmic extensions of neurons that act as an antennae for the reception of nerve impulses from other nerve cells are called dendrites. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit these signals to the cell body of the neuron.

Which of the following are the main receptive or input regions found in neurons?

neurofibrils neurofibrils Both are Wrong, but I do not the correct answer. I think it's NISSL CELL The Dendrites provide the receptive surface for communications. (In some types of neurons the cell body provides such surface) Neither neurofibrils or Nissl cell is wrong. The correct answer is the dendrites. Dendrites are the structures on the neruons that are the main receptive surfaces for nerve impulses.

Dendrites are branching extensions of?

neurons that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body. They are covered in dendritic spines, where synapses with other neurons are formed.

What are the thin chain-like extensions of the neurons called?


Is it true that Dendrites are branching cytoplasmic projections of neurons that receive impulses and transmit them to the cell body?


Short branched extensions through which neurons receive signals?


Functions of the Dendrite?

Receptive region of neuron-- bear receptors for neurotransmitters released by other neurons.

Neurons are composed of a network of fine threads called?

Axons of neurons terminate in a series of fine extensions known as dendrites.

Are the neurons that have the smallest receptive fields are found in the areas of the skin that are most sensitive?

Yes, neurons with small receptive fields are typically found in areas of the skin that are most sensitive, such as the fingertips and lips. These regions require fine discrimination and precise sensory information, which is enabled by having smaller receptive fields on the neurons.

What cells are responsible for the myelination of neurons in the cns?

In the central nervous system, oligodendrocytes make the myelin sheaths around axons via cytoplasmic extensions. In the peripheral nervous system. The Schwann cells perform the same function but the entire cell wraps around a portion of the axon.

What are bipolar neurons?

Bipolar neurons are a type of nerve cell with two processes, one acting as the dendrite (receiving end) and the other as the axon (transmitting end). These neurons are commonly found in special sensory organs like the eyes, nose, and ears, where they help relay sensory information to the brain. The bipolar structure enables them to transmit signals in a directional manner.