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The Day of Preparation

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Q: The day before Jesus died is called what?
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What do we call the day that Jesus died?

It is called Good Friday.

What happened the day before Jesus died?

Jesus began to show us how He had suffered before the foundations of the world in the garden of ghetsemity.

The day before jesus died on the cross he had a special meal with his apostels what is the name of the meal?

The Last Supper.

The day before Jesus died what meal did he have with his apostels?

The day before Jesus died on the cross was the Jewish Passover and he celebrated the Seder, the passover evening meal that remembers the Jewish exodus from Egypt. This meal is still celebrated to this day and it is very reminiscent of the Catholic mass as bread and wine are passed around the table for all to share.

On what day did jesus die?

Jesus died on Good Friday, 2010 years ago, at around 3:00 pm.

What day comemorates Jesus death?

Jesus died on Good Friday.

What religion believes that you have already seen the second coming of Jesus Christ?

catholics believe that jesus died and rose from the dead and the day he rose from the dead is called easter...

Is Easter When Jesus died or came back to life?

Easter is the day Jesus rose from the dead. Good Friday was the day when he died on the cross for our sins.

How is shrove Tuesday linked with Easter and Lent?

Shrove Tuesday is the day right before the season of Lent begins. In some major countries it is also called pancake day, it is to begin the time when Jesus died for us until Easter Sunday.

On what day did Jesus face Pilate?

Jesus came before Pilate on the Friday morning of the day He was crucified.

Why is Holy Thursday called Holy Thursday?

We celebrate Holy Thursday because it was The Last Supper, and when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. This was a special day, the day before Jesus was Commended to death. Before all the 15 Stations of the Cross began. Similar to the Last Supper instead of using a long table for Christians, we eat the body of Jesus (the Eucharist) and drink the blood of Jesus (the wine) every Sunday at mass. Every year we repeat these Holy days to show our faith as Christians.

What day is it when Jesus died for us?

Good Friday