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No. Generally speaking an absessed tooth can be saved by antibiotic therapy and root canal therapy together. There are times when a tooth cannot be saved though- when not enough tooth structure is left to support a crown or "cap", or when a root is actually fractured. Sometimes an absessed tooth is caused from a periodontal problem or in other words, a gum problem. This requires antibiotics and debridement or "deep cleaning" - or surgery.

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Abscessed teeth cannot heal on their own. It means that the tooth is dying. The root has to be removed or it could end up infecting your other teeth. Normally, a root canal would be done in this case as opposed to pulling it. If the tooth is in really bad shape, the tooth may have to be pulled.

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Q: The dentist said you have an absessed tooth does it have to be pulled or can it heal?
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Yes it does work. try salt and water gargle it around your mouth. You might have an absessed tooth. Becareful of this becasue the infection can spread and make you sick. An antibiotic would heal, aspirin will help pain.

How long does it take to heal after a root canal?

It should take approximately two to three weeks for a root canal to heal. If your tooth still hurts you should set up an appointment to see your dentist.

If you leave a wobbly adult tooth alone will it heal?

Possibly. However, you should consult your dentist; something made it wobbly in the first place and will likely do so again, eitehr to the same or a sifferent tooth.

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Sometimes when lower wisdom teeth are removed, the nerve that is used by the tongue is bumped or bruised. It is most often temporary, but it sometimes can take several months to heal. Let the dentist who removed the teeth know about this complication.

What are the sideffect of wisdome teeth being pulled?

Paresthesia or temporary numbness because of nerve damage. I had one wisdom tooth pulled out two weeks ago and my lower lip, chin, gums and face are still numb. I am also having constant headaches since then. The dentist said that could really happen and there is nothing they can do about it. They said the nerve will heal itself depending on how your body acts to it, it could take weeks, months or even years. And there is a very little chance that it could be permananent. So if you are planning to have your wisdom tooth removed, think about it, discuss it thoroughly with your dentist or oral surgeon. This is the worst thing that ever happen to me.

Will an abcessed tooth heal itself?

yes but with medical treatment by a dentist

Do need antibiotic for a pulled tooth?

Not necessarily. It depends on your health status and how complicated the extraction is (i.e. surgical extraction of a wisdom tooth). Usually your body is able to heal itself and if you keep your mouth clean and follow the dentists instructions you should not have any complications after an extraction. A. final year dental student

What happens if your adult tooth fell out?

a dentist will num you up with a needle and put glue on the tooth and cover it with a wire that they use to heal it in place (you have to wear it for about a month) after that you may or may not need a root canal