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there wa a limit in terms of infromation production due to the supervision of the authoritative gorverment under the leadership of whites..thre was an absolute power raiseed by the whkite gorvenment and authers were very afraid and fear olf brutal punishment

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Q: The development of the black press in south Africa during apartheid?
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What are the three homelands in south africa during the apartheid?

Black homelands, white homelands and Bantu homeland were the three homelands in South Africa during the apartheid.

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Answer this question forced to carry pass books at all times …

During apartheid in South Africa black South Africans were?

Answer this question… forced to carry pass books at all times.

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What is the policy of the Africa which separates white europeans from black afriacans?

This was called apartheid. It existed in South Africa until about 1990.

Biko was involved in what protest movement?

Stephen Biko is considered by many to be the Father of the Black Conciousness Movement in apartheid-era South Africa. Stephen Biko is considered by many to be the Father of the Black Conciousness Movement in apartheid-era South Africa.

How did the apartheid era conclude?

It concluded with the end of apartheid in April 1994, the first democratic elections being held in South Africa in that time and Mandela becoming the first black president in South Africa.

How would you use apartheid in a sentence?

Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced by the national party of south Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of majority black inhabitants werecurtailed and minority ruel by whites was maintained.