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Q: The digestive system below contains a mouth a salivary gland a stomach a duodenum and a pancreas.?
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List out the digestive glands present in your digestive system and their function in digestion?

Liver, salivary gland, pyloric stomach, pancreas, duodenum of small intestines

The digestive enzyme amylase is normally secreted into which two regions of the digestive tract?

The digestive enzyme-amylase is secreted in two regions of the digestive tract.i.e.(1) salivary amylase by salivary glands in the buccal cavity.(2) pancreatic amylase by pancreas in the duodenum.

What digestive glands are outside the digestive track?

The salivary glands, the gall bladder, the pancreas.

What is produces amylase?

Both the salivary glands in the head and the pancreas in the abdomen. The salivary glands produce salivary amylase that is released into te mouth where it acts on the carbohydrate. The pancreases produces pancreatic amylase which is released into the duodenum of the small intestine.

What are the 2 digestive glands that are found outside the digestive tract?

There are two types of glands.Two salivary glands and pancreas.

What acessory glands assist the digestive process?

salivary gland, pancreas,liverThe pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.The answer is b frenulum

What secretes digestive enzymes?


What parts of the body produce enzymes?

The stomach contains enzymes that break down protein.

What is part of the gastrointestinal system but not the gastrointestinal tract?

I think you are looking for liver and pancreas, these are accessory digestive organs that produce enzymes and emulsifiers that are secreted into the digestive tract.

What substance in the mouth contains an enzyme that begins chemical digestive?

salivary amalaze

What are all of the oragns in the digestive system?

oesophagus,mouth,stomach,pancrease,reticulum.anus,lever,salivary gland,illum,duodenum

Where is amylase released?

The enzyme amylase is released in the mouth, referred as the salivary amylase, and in the duodenum of the small intestine by the pancreas, referred as the pancreatic amylase.