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Q: The distinction between the crust and mantle is primarily on the basis of a difference in?
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Related questions

What is the difference between between the lower and upper mantle?

The upper mantle is harder than the lower mantle

What is the difference between the mantle and a convergent plate boundary?

The mantle is below the plates.

What is the Difference between mantle and appendage?

Compare molting and metamorphos

What is the difference between Mohorovicic discontinuity and Gutenberg discontinuity?

Mohorovicic discontinuity is located between the upper mantle and the crust, while the Gutenberg discontinuityis located between the lower mantle and the outer core.

What is the difference between the magma and the mantle?

The mantle is a layer of the Earth's interior located between the crust and the core, characterized by solid rock that can flow slowly over geological timescales. Magma, on the other hand, is molten rock found beneath the Earth's surface that can erupt as lava during volcanic activity. So, while the mantle is a solid layer, magma is the molten material that may exist within it.

What is the difference between a wall clock and a mantle clock?

A wall clock is designed to be hung on a wall and typically has a simpler design with a larger face for easy visibility. A mantle clock is meant to be placed on a mantle or shelf, often has more decorative elements, and is usually smaller in size compared to a wall clock.

Is primarily made up of igneous rocks.?


What is the difference between the Mohorovicic discontinuity and the Gutenberg discontinuity?

They mark the boundaries of differing layers of the Earth. The Moho marks the boundary between the crust and the mantle, whereas the Gutenberg discontinuity marks the boundary between the mantle and outer core.

Much of the upper mantle thought to be made of granite true or false?

False. The upper mantle is believed to be composed primarily of peridotite.

What is the difference between lithosphere and asthenosphere?

The difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere is that the asthenosphere is the lower part of the upper mantle it behaves like a plastic but flows much more easily than the rest of the mantle. The lithosphere however, includes the entire crust and the uppermost part of the mantle, it is more rigid and brittle and doesn't flow.

What is the meaning of the upper mantle?

a mantle is something between the crust

What are these parts primarily made up of in the earths interior?

they are crust and the mantle and also the core