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Q: The duodenum is part of what body system brain intestines heart or nervous?
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What organs are infected by AIDS?

the brain, lungs, liver, intestines, nervous system,

What organ system does the brain belong too?

The nervous system The central nervous system

Do tranquilizers affect the intestines?

Tranquilizers affect the entire body because it affects the nervous system. The nervous system and the brain control the entire body. If you "dampen" the sensations of the nervous system you will slow things down. So the intenstines do slow down somewhat. People who tend to get constipation notice more problems with their intestines when they are on tranquilizers for a while. The drug does not do serious damage to the intestines as a norm.

The part of the brain that integrates the autonomic nervous system is what?

The hypothalamus integrates of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn regulates the activity of organs such as the heart, blood vessels, and intestines. M. scipio

Is the brain part of the Central Nervous System or the Peripheral Nervous System?

Central nervous system. In fact, the brain is the CENTER of the central nervous system.

What is the control center of the nervous system?

The brain.

Is the brain a nervous system or breathing system?

The brain is part of the nervous system and not the breathing (respiratory)system.

The brain belongs to what division of your nervous system?

The brain and spinal cord belongs to the central nervous system.

Wgat PArt of the nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord?

Unlike the Peripheral nervous system, the Central Nervous System includes the brain and the spinal chord.

What organ system does the spinal cord belong to?

The function of the liver is digestive; it does the next level of processing of food, after it has been digested by the alimentary canal.

Which nervous system contains the brain?

The Nervous System is divided into two which are the central nervous system or CNS and the peripheral nervous system or PNS. The division that includes the brain is CNS.

The spinal cord and brain are which nervous system?

Yes, the brain and spinal cord is the nervous system. It is actually called the central nervous system.