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The most important use for the magnetic shield is that it protects our atmosphere from the solar wind.

The solar wind is a bunch of charged particles that is emitted and shot from the sun in all directions. These particles will pound away a planet's atmosphere, much like waves in the ocean pound away a rocky coastline.

The magnetic shield steers the solar wind away from our atmosphere and thus protecting it.

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The earths magnetic shield has?

existed since the planet cooled

What effect does the earths magnetic field have on the intensity of cosmic rays striking the earths surface?

The Earth's magnetic field acts as a shield, deflecting charged particles (cosmic rays) away from the surface. This helps reduce the intensity of cosmic rays reaching the Earth's surface. However, cosmic rays can still penetrate the atmosphere at higher latitudes where the magnetic field is weaker.

Which planet has a magnetic shield?

All planets have magnetic fields. I believe that in most cases, this magnetic field can act as a shield.

Does cardboard act as a magnetic shield?

No, cardboard does not act as a magnetic shield. Magnetic shields are typically made of materials with high magnetic permeability, such as mu-metal or ferrite. Cardboard does not have the properties necessary to shield against magnetic fields.

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It is the source of earth's magnetic field, which produces an extremely important shield against harmful solar radiation.

How can solar flares effect us?

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Not at all well

How does the earths magnetic fieldprotecting the life on earth?

I saw a show on this topic. Every once in a while the sun shoots out solar flares, these are made out of the suns material and are dangerous, they also go pretty far. Occasionaly one heads straight for earth, but the earths magnetic is strong enough to make a "shield" around the earth (sorry if this isn't enough detail).

What function is formed by earths magnetic field?

Earth's magnetic field functions as a shield that protects the planet from harmful solar winds and cosmic radiation. It also helps birds and other animals navigate during migration through the Earth's magnetic cues. Additionally, it plays a role in the formation of the auroras in the polar regions.

What is a Spartans favorite weapon?

The Shield. Although a Spartans spear and sword were important, the shield was considered the most important because it protected you, and the man next to you. Losing your shield was a disgrace, and Spartans couldn't leave the battlefield unless they abandoned their shield.

What evidence do you see in the sky when the solar magnetic storms break through your magnetic shield?

i need the answer too

Would lead tape work as a shield from a magnetic field?
