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Q: The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of the salivary glands are called?
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What best demonstrates an example of cooperation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems?

The best example of cooperative autonomic effects is seen in controls of the external genitalia. Parasympathetic stimulation causes vasodilation of blood vessels in the external genitalia, and is responsible for erection of the male penis or female clitoris during sexual excitement. Sympathetic stimulation then causes the ejaculation of semen by the penis or reflex contractions of the vagina during an orgasm.

What is between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system?

The parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system or antagonistic. They have opposing effects.

The effects of the sympathetic nervous system are essentially opposite of which nervous system?

The effects of the sympathetic nervous system are essential opposite those of the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system accelerates functions such as heart rate and breathing and the parasympathetic slows these bodily processes down. The sympathetic also inhibits digestion, whereas the parasympathetic stimulates digestion. The sympathetic nervous system produces "fight-or-flight" reactions, while the parasympathetic functions under relaxed conditions.

What effects would the sympathetic and parasympathetic system have on insulin secretion?

Studies seems to indicate that the sympathetic system decreases insulin secretion, while the parasympathetic system increases insulin secretion.

The separate effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the pacemaker region of the heart can best be described as?


In general parasympathetic activation will produce effects that are to those produced by activation of sympathetic neurons?


What is a Sympathomimetic?

Denoting a drug that mimics the effects of stimulation of organs and structures by the sympathetic nervous system.

What is the difference between sympathomimetic and sympatholytic drugs?

A sympathomimetic drug mimics the physiological effects caused by the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Note the keyword : Mimic A sympatholytic drug oppses/ blocks the physiological effects caused by stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system HOPE THIS HELPS! :)

The secretion of the adrenal medulla act to supplement the effects of?

Your question is weird but i think the secretions cause the organism to responde fast by increasing the heart rate and energy?I believe the answer you are looking for to complete your sentence is sympathetic stimulation.

How can sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers exert antagonistic effects?

Sympathetic fibers convey impulses that stimulate our "fight or flight" response. Parasympathetic are just the opposite, you might say they are for "rest and digest". They are both firing at the same time but depending on your environment and emotional state, one will dominate over the other. Sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers release different neurotransmitters, which bind to different receptors. Three structures that receive sympathetic innervation are the adrenal glands, arrector pilli muscles, and sweat glands.

Does direct neural stimulation through the sympathetic division promote many metabolic effects via hormone release?


What is the effects of parasympathetic stimulation on smooth muscle of blood vessels?

Nothing. The blood vessels are not innervated by the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system; only the sympathetics innervate blood vessels. Their action results in constriction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the vessels.