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bond energy

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Q: The energy required to break the bonds in 1 mol of a chemical compound?
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Related questions

Where is the chemical energy in a compound?

It is contained in the chemical bonds.

Where is chemical energy stored in compound?

Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between atoms within a compound. These bonds contain potential energy that can be released through chemical reactions. The amount of energy stored depends on the type and arrangement of atoms in the compound.

In compound chemical energy is contained in the?

It is contained in the chemical bonds.

Chemical energy is contained in what?

Chemical energy is contained in the bonds between atoms within molecules. When these bonds are broken or rearranged during a chemical reaction, energy is released or absorbed. Examples include the energy stored in food molecules like glucose and in fossil fuels like gasoline.

Where is the energy contained in a compound?

It is contained in the chemical bonds.

What is energy that is stored in bonds between atoms in a compound?

Chemical energy is the energy stored in bonds between atoms in a compound. This energy is released or absorbed during chemical reactions.

What is considered chemical energy?

=The potential energy stored in chemical bands.=

What happens to atoms during chemical changes?

Chemical changes involve breaking and forming of bonds between atoms. Chemical energy is required to break bonds. The formation of new bonds releases energy.

What does making bonds do to energy?

Forming bonds releases energy, whereas breaking bonds requires energy. When bonds are formed, energy is usually released in the form of heat. Conversely, when bonds are broken, energy is absorbed in order to break the chemical bonds.

Energy stored in the bonds between atoms is called what energy?

This is referred to as "potential energy".

Atp is a compound that is synthesized when what occurs?

Energy stored in chemical bonds is released during cellular respiration

What is the energy required to bond particles of matter together and is stored in those bonds?

chemical energy