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told through flashbacks

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Q: The events between the end of the Trojan War and Odysseus' time on Calypso's island must be?
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The Odyssey begins in medias res which means the events between the end of the Trojan War and Odysseus' time on Calypso's island must be .?

told through flashbacks

The Odyssey begins in medias res which means the events between the end of the Trojan War and Odysseus time on Calypso's island must be?

told through flashbacks

The Odyssey begins in medias res which means the events between the end of the Trojan War and Odysseus' time on Calypso's island must be?

Revealed through flashbacks or recounted by characters.

What is the source for the story of Odysseus refusing to fight in the Trojan War?

The strolling bards who sang the many versions of the story in Greece over several centuries after the events.

Events that occurred after the Trojan War and before Odysseus' time on Calypso's island will have to be told through flashbacks because?

the poem begins with actions in medias res.

In the beginning of Book IX Odysseus finally reveals his identity to Alcinous. How is it that Alcinous has suspected this already?

Alcinous had noticed how intently Odysseus listened to Demodocus's song about the Trojan War, and how emotional he became. This, along with Odysseus's physical appearance and the way he carried himself, led Alcinous to suspect that Odysseus might be connected to the events of the war.

What happens with each attempt the king and queen try to entertain Odysseus?

he has a feast and then has a set of games arranged for him. the games included discus, boxing, wrestling, and more. but during these events, Odysseus gets sad from stories of the Trojan War he hears. hope that helped.

Why did Odysseus cry when the blind man sang a song?

Odysseus cried when the blind man sang a song because the lyrics recounted the events of the Trojan War, reminding Odysseus of his long and arduous journey home. The song stirred deep emotions in Odysseus, evoking memories of the comrades he lost and the challenges he faced during his travels.

What does the Odyssey recount?

The Odyssey is basically a continuation of the Iliad. It is post-Trojan-War. The Odyssey entails the state of Ithaca (the land where Odysseus rules) during the time after war, the chase of suitors after Penelope, Odysseus's long and treacherous journey home, and the events that occured after his arrival.ans hhahhhahahahhhahh this is the best story in world his=tThe Odyssey is about Odysseus

What was a long narrative poem about the Trojan war?

"The Iliad" by Homer recounts the events of the Trojan War, including the rage of Achilles and the epic battle between the Greeks and Trojans.

The lliad and the odyssey describe events related to which war?

the Trojan war because the poems talk about the war heros in the Trojan war.

What were the major Trojan war events?

Look to the related link below for a list of significant events .