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The evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis by early cyanobacteria around 2.4 billion years ago significantly altered Earth's atmosphere by increasing oxygen levels. This sudden rise in oxygen caused a mass extinction event as many anaerobic organisms were unable to survive in the new oxygen-rich environment. Life forms that adapted to aerobic metabolism thrived, leading to the diversification of more complex organisms.

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Q: The evolution of what biochemical processes changed the physical nature of the earth in such a way that most original life forms had to adapt radically or become extinct?
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How did the modern study of genetics at that Darwin's original theory of evolution?

The modern study of genetics has provided evidence to support and refine Darwin's original theory of evolution. Discoveries in genetics have shown that variations in genes can lead to variations in traits within populations, which can be acted upon by natural selection, ultimately driving evolution. This integration of genetic principles with evolutionary theory has provided a more comprehensive understanding of how species change over time.

Where can one find information on the theory of evolution?

You can find information on the theory of evolution in scientific textbooks, online resources such as reputable websites of scientific organizations like the National Academy of Sciences or the National Center for Science Education, as well as in academic journals that publish research related to evolution. Libraries may also have books and articles on the topic.

What is a vestigal structure?

A vestigial structure is a physical characteristic of an organism that has lost its original function through the process of evolution. These structures are remnants of traits that were once useful to the organism's ancestors but are no longer needed in their present form. Examples include the human appendix and the wings of flightless birds.

What is it called when you believe in evolution?

Belief in evolution is typically referred to as acceptance or an understanding of the scientific theory of evolution, which describes the process of biological change over time through natural selection and genetic variation.

Why are vestigal sturctures considered critical evidence of evolution?

Vestigial structures are considered critical evidence of evolution because they are remnants of organs or structures that have lost their original function through the process of evolution. These structures provide insights into an organism's evolutionary history and support the idea that species have changed over time. The presence of vestigial structures suggests that organisms have inherited traits from their ancestors, even if those traits are no longer useful.

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Photosynthesis - the capture of light energy by plants and its transformation into chemical energy.

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All of them. They came from an original finch and then they evolved to survive on whichever island they were on.

What Process by which new information changes an original process is called?

The process by which new information changes an original process is called adaptation or evolution. This can involve modifications to the original process in response to new conditions or challenges.

What are some theories of evolution?

AnswerThe principal theory of evolution is the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, put forward by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species.Darwin's original theory has been refined , but it is still considered substantially true just as he described it.A subsidiary theory of evolution, that relies on the same processes as Darwin described, but explains aspects of species that Natural Selection does not fully explain, is the Theory of Evolution by Sexual Selection. This posits that, for example, females mate with males that they find most attractive. Therefore genetic lines that provide sexually attractive features in offspring are more likely to be passed on. It is also stated, that the preference for the sexually attractive characteristic can be passed on in the females, thus reinforcing the propensity to maintain the characteristic.

If the Earth's original atmosphere was mainly carbon dioxide where did it all go and how?

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