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Q: The evolution of what biochemical processes changed the physical nature of the earth in such a way that most original life forms had to adapt radically or become extinct?
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Where can one find information on the theory of evolution?

Information on the theory of evolution can be found in the original book on the theorem of evolution by natural selection, the brainchild of Charles Darwin, called "On the origin of species".

What is a vestigal structure?

Vestigial structures are anatomical structures of organisms in a species which are considered to have lost much or all of their original function through evolution.

What is it called when you believe in evolution?

== == Believing in evolution of species is called being realistic. It is recognizing the facts of science. Persons who believe that evolution is true are often referred to as evolutionists.Persons who are true believers in evolution specifically exclude anything other than a purely naturalistic explanation for the origin of the earth and universe and particularly life on earth.Theistic evolutionists is a term given to those who try to match theism, or belief in a God or gods as the one or ones involved in an original creation, with evolution being the mechanism which has produced ongoing changes over time to the point where we are today. Sometimes this also includes a God or gods guiding or directing the process of evolution.

What are facts about Charles Darwin theory of evolution?

Fact #1: Darwin's theory of evolution proposes that populations of organisms originating from a shared common ancestor diverge, producing new species. Fact #2: Darwin's theory of evolution proposes that the most important mechanisms driving the divergence of populations are reproductive variation and differential reproductive success. Fact #3: Darwin's theory of evolution proposes that, following #1, all known life on Earth is ultimately related through descent. A gratuitous fact #4: The modern theory of evolution is no longer limited to Darwin's original proposals. New facts have been found, new mechanisms proposed, and existing models and hypotheses refined to accommodate the new data.

Why is it important that chromosomes make exact copies of themselves before the cell divides?

Otherwise only one cell would have the necessary genetic material to function, and the other cell would have nothing and would serve no purpose. Either that or each cell would get half of the necessary DNA which would leave two completely useless cells.

Related questions

What principles is not part of Darwin's original theory of evolution by natural selection?

Random processes are not part of the theory of evolution by natural selection.

What does the word avantgarde mean?

radically new or original.

What does a vestigial structure mean?

Vestigiality describes homologous characters of organisms which have lost all or most of their original function in a species through evolution. These may take various forms such as anatomical structures, behaviors and biochemical pathways

When was Slo-Pachinko Gladiator Evolution Original Soundtrack created?

Slo-Pachinko Gladiator Evolution Original Soundtrack was created on 2009-03-09.

Where can one find information on the theory of evolution?

Information on the theory of evolution can be found in the original book on the theorem of evolution by natural selection, the brainchild of Charles Darwin, called "On the origin of species".

Most original Native American governments lend support to the?

evolution theory

What is the name for the biochemical reaction that is the original source of energy for almost all ecosystem?

Photosynthesis - the capture of light energy by plants and its transformation into chemical energy.

What Cells make Cells with half the original Cell chromosome number?

Gametocytes do this. {On the regular biochemical basis} {Ever since 550 million Years ago}

What are some theories of evolution?

AnswerThe principal theory of evolution is the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, put forward by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species.Darwin's original theory has been refined , but it is still considered substantially true just as he described it.A subsidiary theory of evolution, that relies on the same processes as Darwin described, but explains aspects of species that Natural Selection does not fully explain, is the Theory of Evolution by Sexual Selection. This posits that, for example, females mate with males that they find most attractive. Therefore genetic lines that provide sexually attractive features in offspring are more likely to be passed on. It is also stated, that the preference for the sexually attractive characteristic can be passed on in the females, thus reinforcing the propensity to maintain the characteristic.

What episode is the Homer Evolution in?

the original was in episode 16 season 18 and its repeated on season 19 episode 2

What type of evolution do the Galapagos finches represent?

All of them. They came from an original finch and then they evolved to survive on whichever island they were on.

What is physical processes break rocks into fragments with the same chemical makeup and characteristics as the original rock?

mechanical wearthering