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Thermal Equilibrium

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Q: The fact that a thermometer takes its own temperature illustrates?
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Why don't you make thermometers with water?

You can make a thermometer with water, and in fact Galileo invented a rudimentary water thermometer in 1593. However, using other materials such as alcohol or mercury allows you to measure a greater variation in temperature.

What is an infrared laser thermometer used to measure?

An infrared thermometer is a thermometer which infers temperature from a portion of the thermal radiation sometimes called blackbody radiation emitted by the object being measured. They are sometimes called laser thermometers if a laser is used to help aim the thermometer, or non-contact thermometers to describe the device's ability to measure temperature from a distance. By knowing the amount of infrared energy emitted by the object and its emissivity, the object's temperature can often be determined. Infrared thermometers are a subset of devices known as "thermal radiation thermometers".

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The fact that all living things exhibit common characteristics illustrates?

the unity of life

Explain how a liquid thermometer measures temperature?

OK basically depending on what thermometer. the glass tube is filled with either alcohol or Mercury. and when it gets hotter, the liquid expands and takes up more space inside the tube. and colder.......the liquid compacts and moves down the tube.....and it's taken years to calabrate the markings on the tube to show the correct reading.

Hoe does a thermometer work?

Different types of thermometers work differently, by measuring some property that changes with temperature. The model commonly used in households uses the fact that liquids expand when heated.

Does the way you freeze ice affect how long it takes to melt?

Well I know for a fact that ice will melt faster depending on how hot the temperature is.

Which fact best illustrates separation of church and state in the US?

organised prayer in public schools is prohibited

What is a thermocouple thermometer?

Thermocouple is made up with the junction of two different metals(e.g. antimony and bismuth). This is the device used to measure the temperature due to the fact that when two junctions are placed at different temperature a potential difference developed (thus electrical signal) which is proportional to the difference in the temperature of the two junction. This is very sensitive device.

What does LL.L mean on the temperature read of a GE digital thermometer?

well, in our case, I suspect it reflects the fact that the outside sensor was encased in ice during our recent weather & has now snapped off. Indoor reading still fine.

What does a Thermistor do in a circuit?

A thermistor is a type of resistor specifically designed to have a predictable change in resistance depending on the temperature surrounding it. All resistors and, in fact the resistance of all components are succeptable to changes in temperature. The thermistor however, is specifically designed to exploit this in order to be able to measure temperature. They are commonly found in all sorts of temperature sensing circuits, from your digital thermostat in your house to your digital meat thermometer.

This passage most illustrates a claim of .?

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