

The feel of grabbing a penis?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: The feel of grabbing a penis?
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What is the best reaction to someone grabbing your penis?

During sex, whatever you want. Not during sex, report the person.

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When you put your hand on top of it, it squeezes you hand and you feel like a spider is grabbing your hand and sucking it. It feels cool!

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Brakes work by applying pressure on the brake drum and gradually slowing down your car. This should be a smooth, gradual process. If your brakes are grabbing, the process is anything but smooth - you'll feel an abruptness in the way your car stops, a sort of jerkiness.

What is the azrage penis during an arection?

the average penis is about 6 inches and it will feel amazing

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From a woman to the women

What is erecriton?

My penis alright *gigedi gigedi* an erection is when the penis gets stiff, you jerk off, feel good.

How does it feel to have a penis in you?

ask your mom she should know that awnser

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because penis

Do dolphins have prehensile penises?

Yes and no. A dolphin's penis, when erect, is shaped vaguely like a hook, so when males copulate with females, the chance of them being accidentally separated is eliminated. Think of the penis as a key, and the female's vagina is a lock. It's meant for securing, not necessarily grabbing.

What does it feel like when the penis goes in?

It should usually feel very pleasant, both for the man and for the woman.

Does stroking your penis feel good?

Yes! Not only does it feel good but masturbation is healthy. There are a lot of nerve endings in your penis that send signals to your brain. But if you stroke your penis too much it could cause the skin of your penis to get sore. The best thing to do is use lube so your penis wont get sore. I prefer water based because its easy to wash off in the shower.