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Q: The first great civilization of ancient world was developed where?
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The Ancient Greek Civilization was one of the first to use democracy.

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Does ancient Egypt deserve to be known as a great civilization?

Yes, the Egyptians deserve to be known as a great civilization. The were advanced and people have learned a lot from their civilization.

What contributed to the decline of the great civilization in ancient Egypt?

The pharaohs

What made ancient china a great civilization?

Some things that makes China's civilization best is the rulers, armies, and great organization.

What is a contributions credited to the Minoans?

The Minoans are credited as Europe's first great civilization.

The creators of the first Mesopotamian civilization?

In the southern Mesopotamia the Sumerians developed the first great ancient civilisation. By 3000 BC there were 10 Sumerian city states (e.g. Ur, Uruk) along the banks of the Tigris and the Euphrates.

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It is not known what happened to the Great Zimbabwe civilization.

What is ancient china's economy called?

Ming Dynasty - That was the great kingdom discovered in the ancient civilization

How did Ancient egypts civilization end?

The Great Ancient Egypt's civilization ended after the conquest of Alexander the Great. The Egyptians were already on the decline as the priest class had become corrupt and the people began to turn on them.