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Q: The flow of charges through an object is called what?
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The flow of negative charges through matter is called?

A continuous flow of negative charges is called an electric current.

What is a pair of electric charges called?

flow of electricity through a conductor are electric charges

Latex is considered a(n) because charges do not flow freely through it?

If something doesn't let electrical charges to flow through easily, it is called an electrical insulator.

What material the does not let electric charges flow a easily through them is called?


Is the continuous flow of charges through a material is called electric resistance?

No, it's called 'current'.

What is the term for a solid object that holds charged very nearly in one place?

it is called an insulator, and the opposite, an object that allows charges to flow freely is called a conductor.

What is a continuous flow of positive charges called?

The continuous flow of positive charges is called current

A material through which charges cannot flow easily?

called an insulator

What is a electric circiut?

A complete, unbroken path that charges can flow through is called an electric circuit.

The flow of electric charges is called?

The flow of electric charges is current.

Push that causes electrical charges to flow through a conductor?

Electromotive force is the cause that pushes the electric charges to flow through the conductor. Especially electrons flow through the metallic conductors.

What is a flow of a charge called?

The continuous flow of positive charges is called current