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Q: The formation of a new species can result from?
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The formation of new species can result from?


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The formation of new species Can result from what?

Mutation, isolation and natural selection. Google allopatric speciation.

The formation of a new species can result from what?

The formation of a new species can result from various mechanisms, including natural selection, genetic drift, and isolation that lead to reproductive barriers between populations, preventing interbreeding. Over time, these factors can accumulate genetic differences and eventually result in distinct species.

When did the origin of species happen and how?

Evolution, which includes the divergence of lineages and the formation of new species as a result of that, is something that is happening continuously, in all lifeforms.

Is geographic barriers guarantee the formation of new species?

Yes, geographic barriers guarantee the formation of new species.

Which situation would probably NOT result in the formation of new species?

A period of stable weather conditions that lasts for hundreds of years, allowing a species of grass to do well

What is the formation of new species from existing species?

The phenomenon is called speciation.

What describe speciation?

The formation of a new species

What is speciation ?

the formation of species

What the general term for the process by which new species form?

The general term for the formation of a new species is speciation.